The Land Trust of Bucks County began in 1997 as the Bedminster Land Conservancy with the principal goal of preserving local farms and the farming community. LTBC is rooted in farmland preservation. To further our commitment to help the farm community LTBC engages in several initiatives.
- Preserve farmland with conservation easements.
- Maintain a list of local CSA’s, farmers markets and local producers.
- Sponsor networking opportunities for farmers to learn about new techniques to enhance farm productivity in collaboration with Pennsylvania Association of Sustainable Agriculture (PASA).
- Partner with the Solebury Farm Committee
The Solebury Farm Committee was established in July 2016 to protect agricultural land in the Township and support and strengthen our farming economy. The Committee’s principal responsibilities are:
- Provide information to local farmers, residents, and Township committees about the benefits of balancing agriculture with other land uses.
- Educate Township officials about agricultural laws, safety issues, and zoning issues.
- Recommend ways to create a climate that more fully supports the economic viability and sustainability of farming in the Township.
- Develop and maintain an inventory of area farms and farm markets that includes location and size, and highlights significant agricultural lands.
- Carry out agricultural support tasks as requested by the supervisors.
- Coordinate activities with the Township’s new, state-mandated Agricultural Security Committee, when appropriate.