Monetary Donation
You can make a tax-deductible contribution today by clicking on the button at the bottom of this page. You can also support us by becoming a member
Planned Giving
You may designate LTBC as a beneficiary in your last will and testament. This can be an important part of your estate plan and an opportunity to leave a meaningful legacy to a place we all love.
The LTBC was established to preserve and protect land in perpetuity. Our operating expenses are kept low by the work of our many dedicated unpaid volunteers as well as the hard work of our staff members. Your bequest will help ensure the future of the organization and the work we do in placing and protecting easements and educating landowners and area residents to the benefits of protecting our resources.
One of our goals is to establish funding to be able to assist with the purchase of development rights, for those landowners who may not be in a position to donate the easement rights on their property. Your bequest could help us meet that goal, or be restricted to other uses you may specify.
The Land Trust of Bucks County would be honored to be named a beneficiary in your last will and testament and help you establish a meaningful legacy. Please contact us to discuss your needs.
Memorial Fund
Honor a special person with a bequest.
You can request that tax-deductible donations be made to the LTBC in memory of a deceased loved one. We will run a memorial ad in the subsequent issue of our newsletter, The Conservator.
The fund is permanently associated with a list of the names for whom memorial contributions were made. When money from the fund is used for a special purpose consistent with land preservation efforts, the fund will be recognized. Thus, the fund is a thoughtful way to memorialize a loved one who had a particular interest in the area and enjoyed our area’s beauty and natural resources.
You do not have to be a member to request that memorial contributions be made to the LTBC.
You can request that tax-deductible donations be made to LTBC Memorial Fund by contacting us or by mailing donations directly to: Land Trust of Bucks County, P. O. Box 208, Bedminster, PA 18910.
Gifts in Kind
You can make tax-deductible contributions “in kind” including:
- Designating the LTBC as beneficiary for securities such as stocks and bonds.
- Donating the value of a conservation easement on property you own.
- Providing services or other tangible items.
Whatever vehicle you choose to help support our mission, be assured that it will be appreciated, and most importantly, used wisely and frugally. We can help you make donations by contacting us.
The official registration and financial information of the Land Trust of Bucks County may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
Amazon Smile
LTBC is registered with AmazonSmile so that when you shop through AmazonSmile (smile.amazon.com), 0.5% of the purchase amount (at no cost to you) is donated to LTBC. Shop online at Smile.Amazon.com for the same selections as Amazon, and select Land Trust of Bucks County as the organization you wish to support! Click here to get started with your purposeful shopping!
LTBC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization